【EES/UBRJ Special Seminar】“War and Gender: Realities of the Russian Diaspora” (2025.1.24)
EES/UBRJ Special Seminar “War and Gender: Realities of the Russian Diaspora”
Date: January 24, 2025. 15:30~18:00
Venue : SRC Room 403
Special Lecture “The Escapees: The Complex Journeys of Russian Migrants in Latin America”
Vladimir Rouvinski (Icesi University, Columbia / Hokkaido University)
Joint-Research Project “ReloHub” Session “Gender Aspects of Social Capital Transformation after Migration: 2022-2023 Russian Migration to the Slavic Eurasian Region”
1) Olga Veselovskaya (Eurasian Technological University (ETU), Almaty, Kazakhstan)
“Argentina: Information Asymmetry and the Shaping of Russian Migration Outflow”
2) Ekaterina Sokolova (Eurasian Technological University (ETU), Almaty, Kazakhstan)
“Women and Migration: Women’s Role in Adaptation to Host Societies”
Contact: iwasi@slav.hokudai.ac.jp